How marketing in news and media is important to IT services company for brand building ?

Marketing and sales are vital to the success of any tech company.
Keeping up with a fast-paced IT industry is tough. You need more than just brochures and tradeshow booths. Marketing for IT companies is about building a comprehensive, integrated and effective system.
there are marketing strategies for tech companies on a shoestring that can keep you competitive — and successful. A more typical — and recent — spend on marketing for tech companies is about 15% of their total annual budget
And you can do them yourself, or you can hire a digital marketing agency to work with you.

Making Your Name Out with Public Relations

The second of the marketing strategies for tech companies is public relations, Like with social media, publication relations is a great tool for IT marketing. But only when it’s done right.
Don’t simply put out a press release about your new product offering, leadership change, or office opening. If anything, these are drops in the bucket.
Instead, invest in professional PR services to make a splash that will get you noticed as a leader in the IT industry. They’ll be able to highlight what makes you different and special, then get the word out.

the “ROI can be incredibly valuable,” especially if you go a hybrid route and “meld PR into SEO/paid media/social media,” according to an article on Entrepreneur.

This is another strategy that works to position you as a thought leader. You can write magazine articles, newspaper pieces and send out news releases about milestone events. Conversely, you could also hire a marketing agency to help out here.

Pricing for a PR campaign can vary tremendously. If you undertake it, all it takes is sweat and tears — and time away from making your product even cooler than it already is. If you hire it out, the cost depends on how long the push will be, what content will be produced and the size of the agency you hire. Lean tech companies should look for a firm that’s similar in size to help keep costs from ballooning,

Pros of a PR Push: Great for awareness and thought leadership

Great to establish a persona as the CEO

Article placement can lead to other opportunities (speaking, webinars, interviews)

Cons of a PR Push: Hard to measure how much it leads to demand and lead gen

Hard to get article opportunities without a “compelling story”

Nothing is guaranteed. Publication is always at the whims of the editor

It can be tough to develop a marketing strategy when you have only a few thousand dollars a month, but it’s not impossible.

It all goes back to your goals. Choose a manageable one. Decide which of the marketing strategies will help you achieve that. And then, go for it.

Or, give us a call. And we’ll work with you to create the strategy, implement it, evaluate and tweak it. Or join us on LinkedIn and be part of the conversation.